Monday, August 29, 2011


I don't know all the details yet, but Monkey was told today that they are cutting geo-batch, so he has to move out of the barracks. That means we have to figure out how to pay for two apartments. Awesome.
At least he'll be getting paid for E5 soon. But, so much for having any extra money.


  1. They did this in the Marine Corps a while back. :( Really complicated things for a lot of families, hope you get it worked out.

  2. Ugh, that sucks! Hope you guys can figure something out.

  3. Ugh, that sucks. Too bad you couldnt find someplace in between and both live there. But still an hour and a half commute would suck more. I dont know, wish there was an easy solution.

  4. Wait whaaat? Is this across the Navy? I haven't heard anything about it!

  5. Hey - I just found your blog today!! Love it. And being another sailor's wife, I totally understand. Military housing sucks. LOL. I have a friend going through a nightmare of a time with military housing and barracks. Good luck with everything!
