Thursday, July 28, 2011


Today I'm getting out of the office and going with the team to meet our big client in Seattle. Being the designer, I don't get to do this very often. That being said, I had nothing to wear. So, I spent a half an hour last night raking through my wardrobe and put together an acceptable ensemble. Then I went out to get a pair of business appropriate shoes to go with it. 

Well.... the shoes I found were cuter than the outfit; so what's a girl to do? Buy a new outfit of course!
I don't have picture of the outfit. But it's a frilly silk top, 3/4 sleeve shrug, black pencil skirt, skinny rose belt and...

These shoes!!! FAB!

Unfortunately I forgot to wear the necklace I wanted to wear today, which is making me kind of sad. But, I can't fix that so no use in dwelling over it.

Wish me luck!

Monday, July 25, 2011

A Boohoo and a Hooyah - week 8

Alrighty, by request here is the official week 8 Boohoo and Hooyah link up.

It's easy smeezy lemon squeezy. Just a short format way to write about something that's not going so well for you this week and then follow it up with something positive that is going well. Then link up at the bottom and link back from your post to share the funzies!

Boohoo: I think it was the clam strips... but whatever it was, i woke up at 3:30 this morning to... well, barf. Not fun.

Hooyah: EXCELLENT weekend with the Monks at the beach. We've been super busy having fun this summer but this was the first time we've had the whole weekend to ourselves, and it was fantastic. LOVE my Monkey. I have pictures so perhaps I'll actually get around to writing the whole post this time. We'll see. 

Until then, here's my favorite picture of the batch.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Adventure Picture post 1

In leu of trying to remember all the interesting details about our trip to California for a visit with family... here are some pictures. Enjoy.

Gma Dody, Cousin Kim, A Monkey in a yellow shirt, Moi

The very large watermelon he was challenged to eat. (After consuming a large lunch)

The watermelon carcass!

The Monkeys' next adventure...

I just discovered this:

I think I am going to take Monkey to do this for our anniversary next weekend since we are going to our anniversary mini-vaca this weekend. Looks REALLY fun!!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I'm still here!

I've had a couple kind ladies message me asking where I've been. So, I guess that means I've been MIA a little too long!

I'm still here! I've just been super busy making the most of our summer. The hubs is back and I've had every single weekend booked with some kind of summery adventure. On top of that, things have picked up at work and I actually have to.... work... at work now. haha! Imagine that. I've also been trying to kick up my workouts again. So, needless to say there hasn't been much time for blogging.

I actually started a post about our trip to California and then decided it would be better written by Monkey since it was a trip to see his family. But, he has yet to write that post. Now, everything else is kind of falling out of my head. So, I'm thinking next time I have a minute I'll just make a picture post for each of the adventures we've been on this summer.

We've been to California, we've been up to a lake and went 4 wheeling, we went to a muay thai seminar, we took some sailors out salsa dancing, and this weekend we are going to a beach spa/golf resort (though, we don't golf) for our anniversary a week early.  Then we have a wedding to go to, and I found a website that lists all the hiking trails in our area so I plan on finding a new trail every weekend for as long as I have him this summer! Whew! My posts may be short and/or scattered for a while, but I assure you, I am still here!!!!

Also, I will try and get my Boohoo and Hooyah going again next week. It seems I have at least two people still playing along. :)

Ok, that's all I have time for. I'll get pics and stuff from past and future summer adventures as soon as I can!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Boohoo and a Hooyah - Week 7

I'm pretty sure I skipped a week of this. Maybe two. Though, I'm pretty sure no one is playing any more. None the less. I like it, so I'm going to keep at it. Hopefully some people will decide they like it and join in as well. Anyway, here is this week's Boohoo and Hooyah.

Just in case you want to join in, here's how it goes. You give a short "Boohoo", or something that's not going right. And then follow it up with a short positive "Hooyah" (or your applicable battle cry).

Then link up and share. Easy schmeezy! :)

Boohoo: Monkey's leave is over and while we had a ton of fun (posts on all this to follow), we didn't really get any alone time. So, it feels like I only had him for a few days, if even that much.

Hooyah: The sun is finally shining in the valley. And, at least I get him on the weekends pretty consistently for a while now.

If you wanna link up, so do below. (I usually read and comment on everyone who links up)