Monday, February 27, 2012

Random Randomocity

A Random event:
So, we were taking a walk yesterday in an attempt to get some sort of exercise after a long night of eating deliciously bad for us food. We decided to walk through some other neighborhood just for the sake of walking longer. We passed this older man getting into his green 1960's ford pickumup truck. We nod and smile like good pretend neighbors would. Then he yells out his rolled down window to Monkey, "Hey, are you a guitar player?!" to which he puzzedly replies, "Well, a little bit. Why?"
Then the old guy just smiles and drives away.  We were perplexed, amused, and creeped out, all at once. 

A Random story: 
While wasting some time at Fred Meyer last night between our West Coast Swing lesson and the social party, I was trying to decide on a shirt and Monkey had wandered off somewhere. From across the isle I hear, "Hey hon, I think I need these!" He's sporting some plastic white rimmed sunglasses. Possibly meant for women. I responded with, "Yeah.. I think you'd have to be bigger douche to wear sunglasses like that." He pauses, thinks about it, and replies... "I think I need to be a bigger douche." 

No babe, you don't. I like my douche-free hubby just the way he his, thank you. :)

The end.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

A Boohoo and a Hooyah

It's time again for A Boohoo and a Hooyah linkup! You know you love this. Even if you've never linked up before. Come on, it's super easy. It's a short format way to vent about something that's not going well, and then follow it up with something positive! Just choose your appropriate battle cry, or "Booyah" if you're civilian!

So, go ahead. Grab the button and link up! I love to read them. I really do.

Boohoo: Over his deployment I managed to forgot how annoying it is to plan my life around the Navy. Now that he's back I'm getting frustrated all the time and it's spilling over into the things that are supposed to be fun for me.

Hooyah: He goes on leave tomorrow! I get a full-time live-in Monkey for two weeks. I think I'm going to try and schedule a couple nights at our favorite hotel at the beach.

Ok, your turn! Link up using the form below (Please) Can't wait to read them!

Also, if you didn't see it on my twitter feed, go here to enter to win a $200 Amazon gift card!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Oops! I tweeted!

Well, I finally jumped on the social media bandwagon that is Twitter. I figure it would give me a platform for those one-sentence navy related updates that aren't quite post-worthy but I still want to share.

If you tweet too, you can find me here:!/MonkeysNavy or you can search my user name @MonkeysNavy.

Leave me your Twitter @name in the comments so I can find you too!

ps. I already did a search for Navy Wife and found quite a few of you, so I might already be stalking following you on Twitter! 

Also there are new Twitterific button down there on left side somewhere so you can just jump on over.

Taxes done! Active Duty Credit.

Woot! We finally got around to filing our tax returns. We are pretty excited about what we get to put into our savings.

In case you didn't know, there is some kind of Active Duty credit. I tried to find some information on it for you but I couldn't. All I know is that we used and there was a check-box for active duty military and it got us a pretty shiny return on our state taxes. Well worth an amendment if you already filed and didn't get this credit.

I can't give you any advice as to how to do it on your taxes but you should ask your tax prep person or just go use Turbotax, which is btw, pretty darn simple to use and remembers all your stuff for next year.

Happy Taxes. :)

Friday, February 17, 2012

Marriage Survey

I found this on Tales from a Sailor's Soul Mate. It looked interesting and I have nothing else to really talk about. Unless you want to hear me whine about how the Navy ruined our Valentines day, twice in one year. Blah.

1.  When is your "engagement" anniversary?
Umm... I don't remember. I guess sometime in the late spring/early summer of 2009. He actually still owes me a proper proposal. Ours went something like this... [Via Webcam] "So, you know... if we get married the Navy will...." to which I said no. But shortly after I flew out to see him at which ever Navy school he was in at the time and by the time I left I was making plans for us to get married the next time he had leave.
2.  When is your marriage anniversary?
July 29, 2009
3.  How long have you known your spouse?
5 years or 6.... or something. Shortly after I started ballroom. Which was right before I started working here which was about 5 and a half years ago.
4.  How long did you date before you were engaged?
Define "date". I honestly do not know how to answer this question.
5.  Where did you meet your spouse for the first time?
At my first dance studio. He was my ballroom dance teacher.
6.  What is your spouses full name?
Yeah... nope.
7.  Do you have any children?
We don't. But I'm seriously baby crazy. Have been for quite some time. But, we are trying to wait until he's out of the Navy. Less than two years now.
8.  How many boys/girls?
9.  Do you have any house pets?
We have a fat furry kitty named Katty Poo. I know, stupid name, but there is a story behind it.
10.  Do you own a house or rent?
We rent.
11.  Do you live in the country/town/city?
12.  What are your favorite activities to do together?
Well DANCE, of course! But, anything active. Running, biking, kickboxing sometimes, etc.
13.  Do you have a favorite vacation spot?
We haven't been too many places yet. But we go back to the beach every year for our anniversary.
14.  When did you first kiss?
Oof, this is actually up for debate.
15.  What church do you attend?
Currently we do not attend church.
16.  Is this the church you were married in?
We were married in the garden behind an adorable inn at the beach.
17.  What town is your current address at?
Well... he's in Bangor. I'm in Portland.
18.  Do you work or stay-at-home?
I work at a Marketing Agency.
19.  Where did you go on your honeymoon?
We didn't really have one. We will when he gets out. Last we talked it was looking like New Zealand or Australia or something like that.
20.  What was the funniest gift you gave while dating?
I'm not sure I've given him a "funny" gift. Maybe I have. But I don't recall.
21.  How long have you been together?
Again, define "together". (Ours is a complicated story)
22.  How long did you know each other before you started dating?
Dunno.  Year or so maybe two.  Hard to say since we really didn't "date".
23.  Who asked who out?
It was more like this... we're just friends...we're just friends... oh.. um... i guess we're more than friends now.
24.  How old are each of you?
Uh oh... here goes. He's 23 and I'm 28. *gasp* yes, that is a 5 year age difference. But, he doesn't really act like he's 23. And I don't really act like I'm 28.  :) 
25.  Where do each of you go to school?
Neither of us are currently going to school.
26.  Which situation is hardest on you as a couple?
The fact that we live 3 hours apart. It doesn't actually stress our relationship but it really really stinks.
27.  Did you go to the same school?
28.  Are you from the same town?
If you are referring to where we were born. Then nope.
29.  Who is smarter?
"Everyone is a genius. But, if you judge a fish on it's ability to climb a tree it will go through it's whole life thinking it's stupid." But, really I think we're equally smart but in different areas.
30.  Who is more sensitive?
We're both pretty sensitive, but I probably act out on it more. I am a girl after all.
31.  Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Currently, Red Robin.
32.  Where is the furthest you traveled as a couple?
We DitY PCSed from GA to WA. Didn't fight once.
33.  Who has the craziest exes?
Neither of us.
34.  Who has the worse temper?
... ohh.... that'd be me. I work on it though. It helps if I'm not hungry.
35.  Who does the cooking?
Mostly me. (When we actually cook) But Monkey makes breakfast sometimes. And it's tasty.
36.  Who is more social?
Neither one of us are especially social.
37.  Who is the neat-freak?
Well it certainly isn't me. Though I would if I could ever get everything fully organized.
38.  Who is more stubborn?
We're about the same.
39.  Who hogs the bed?
The cat!
40.  Who wakes up earlier?
Well for work it's Monkey by default. But on the weekends I usually wake up and then spend two hours getting him out of bed.
41.  Where was your first date?
Yeah. Again... "date"?
42.  Who had more boyfriends/girlfriends?
He has. 
43.  Do you get flowers often?
I used to tell him not to buy me flowers because they die. But, I changed my mind so I get them for special occasions when he can't be there.
44.  How do you spend the holidays?
Together. However we can achieve it.
45.  Who is more jealous?
We aren't really the jealous types.
46.  How long did it take to get serious?
Mmm... after we admitted that we liked each other... steady build over a period of months. 
47.  Who eats more?
48.  Who does the laundry?
We pretty much do our own laundry.
49.  Who is better with the computer?
He's kind of the computer geek. But I usually know what I'm doing just fine.
50.  Leave a piece of advice for other couples.
Communication, respect, honesty. You can't really have one without the other and you need them all.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Valentines day post.

I'm pretty sure I have yet to spend a valentines day with my husband, ever. Even before we were married. But, I'm not going to pout. No! This is a true testament to love. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. So, we get to celebrate our love by growing it. ♥
 Happy Valentines Day :)

Facts and Questions - Oops

Ok, so I was apparently tired and distracted when I wrote my last post and I answered the wrong questions. So, here it is again with the correct questions answered. Ya'll just get to learn a little bit more about me.

Alrighty! I've been tagged for some fun questions and stuff. I figure this will be a good way for my new followers to get to know me. I've gotten a few new ones over the last few months.

I was tagged by Kelsey over at Bear at Sea. A fellow graphic designer and submariner wifey.

1.) Post the rules and the person who tagged you!
2.) Post eleven facts about yourself.
3.) Answer the questions the tagger set for you, and make eleven new questions for those you tag.
4.) Tag however many people you want.
5.) Let your taggers know you tagged them!

Eleven Facts about Mua!
1. I'm a dancer. (Ballroom, Ballet, Salsa, and most recently West Coast Swing) It actually took me quite a few years of dancing to feel like I could call myself a dancer. But when it's most of what you think about and you start to get told by other dancers that you are good... I think that warrants a title. (For the record I still don't think I'm THAT good.) 
2. I'm a fighter. When I'm not dancing I'm learning Muay Thai kickboxing, and jiu jitsu. Also a little bit of capoiera, Escrima, and some other random stuff. What ever class seems fun at the time.
3. I'm a designer. I spend my days making pretty stuff on the computer. By the time I get home I don't feel like making anything for myself, so forgive my underly-designed blog. Everyone once in a while though, i'll make an infographic or something to post.
4. I'm a little ADD, OCD when I get stressed out, and kiiiinda anal retentive. But hey... it makes me good at my job. 
5. I like cats. Meow. Also, giraffes, cows, and sheep. 
6. I love pink. But I liked it before it was popular. 
7. I sing a little. I actually did a tour of Europe with a mass choir, band, and orchestra the year I graduated from highschool. (Ok, really I'm just bragging. It was kind of auditioned by check. You had to be recommended to go, but if you could pay, you could go.) 
8. I could probably eat macaroni and cheese for every meal, forever. Except that I would get fat. And probably have intestinal issues.
9. I HATE being cold. HATE it! Even just a little bit cold. 
10. It is impossible for me to put my head underwater without getting water in my nose. There is actually a name for this. And I hate it because it means I suck at swimming. 
11. I don't like vegetables. I really wish I did, it would make life so much easier. But there's not much I can do when I put a veggie in my mouth and my tongue goes "eewww!". So, instead I make sure to take really good vitamins. 
 Questions for me - the right ones this time
1.) What was the happiest day of you life and why?
What else? The day I married my husband. Of course. The year and months leading up to it were the most emotional of my life. The day we were married everything was put back together again and all was right in my world.
2.) What is the quality you most admire in your significant other?
Though it can manifest itself in obnoxious ways, his unwavering ideals. If he believes something, he sticks to it. Though, I also admire that fact that if you can give him a solid logical rebuttal, he will gracefully resign his stance. And thirdly, he is an excellent communicator. If there is something on his mind he talks about it, and we discuss everything. No petty yelling or selfish passive aggressiveness. It makes us so much stronger.

3.) What is the defining quality in someone that makes them a good friend, not just a friend?

That they are truly there for you any time regardless of whether it is "convenient" for them.

4.) What inspires you?

Happy people. You know, those people who seem to always keep their heads up and have a positive attitude no matter what is going on. I wish I could be like those people some times. I hate it when I get in a funk and end up with a bad attitude for days at a time.

5.) If you could choose anywhere to live in the whole world, where would you live and why?

Nowhere specific. But it must contain my husband and sunshine. Currently I'm living husbandless in Oregon. So... this is not my ideal place at the moment.

6.) If you were an animal, what animal would you be? 
I've always answered this with "house cat". But, it would have to be the kind that could come and go as they please. I would not want to be stuck in the house all the time, but I also would not want to be locked out in the weather with the coyotes at night.

7.) What is the bravest thing you have ever done?
I think I'm doing it right now. Living this mil-spouse life. I'm not much of a risk-taker. Most of my big life decisions have kind of been decided for me by circumstance. Except marrying my Monkey. I made that decision all by myself and there was no question whatsoever. It's one of those decisions that once you make it you instantly feel it's the best decision you ever made. :) <3
8.) If you could meet anyone in history or present, who would it be? 
I really don't have an answer for this. Perhaps an amazing ballroom dancer who I could spend a couple hours with getting some once in a lifetime coaching and inspiration.
9.) If your life was a fairy tale, which would it be? 
Haha, if my life was a fairy tale, I'd have better hair. I did end up with my prince though. Perhaps Anastasia. When I was little I always pretended that I was a long lost princess and someone would find me one day. Plus, the first ball scene in that movie is what made me want to learn ballroom. Specifically, waltz.
10.) What is your best quality?
Umm... that's hard. I'm terribly shy and can get really grumpy. But I guess perhaps that I'm very introspective and aware of my flaws and try to better myself as life goes on.
11.) Who do you look up to the most? 
I've always looked up to my mom for her patience. I also look up to anyone with drive and an unwavering positive attitude.

Questions for my Taggies

1. If you could have any talent, what would it be and why?
2. If you could do anything and you knew you couldn't be harmed in any way, what would you do?
3. What law would you make if could write any law.
4. What is your least favorite animal?
5. Tell us about your first car?
6. What is your favorite thing about your hubby?
7. What is one thing you would NEVER change about yourself?
8. What Disney princess do you relate with the most? (Anastasia is not actually a Disney movie, but I will accept her anyway because she's my favorite animated princess.)
9. What would you invent if you could make anything for any purpose? 
10. What would you choose as a profession if money didn't matter?
11. What little thing makes you the most happy?

Tagged bloggers - I'm picking my most recent followers. (As far as I can tell)
Brittany @ My life as a Sailors Princess
Mrs. Jones @ Keeping up with the Jonesses
Mrs. S @ Everything Girly and Beyond
Jess @ The life of a Sailor's Wife
Annie @ Confessions of a Navy Wife

Whew! Well there you have it! If I tagged you and you do this post too, let me know! I want to read all about you!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Facts and Questions

Alrighty! I've been tagged for some fun questions and stuff. I figure this will be a good way for my new followers to get to know me. I've gotten a few new ones over the last few months.

I was tagged by Kelsey over at Bear at Sea. A fellow graphic designer and submariner wifey.

1.) Post the rules and the person who tagged you!
2.) Post eleven facts about yourself.
3.) Answer the questions the tagger set for you, and make eleven new questions for those you tag.
4.) Tag however many people you want.
5.) Let your taggers know you tagged them!

Eleven Facts about Mua!
1. I'm a dancer. (Ballroom, Ballet, Salsa, and most recently West Coast Swing) It actually took me quite a few years of dancing to feel like I could call myself a dancer. But when it's most of what you think about and you start to get told by other dancers that you are good... I think that warrants a title. (For the record I still don't think I'm THAT good.) 
2. I'm a fighter. When I'm not dancing I'm learning Muay Thai kickboxing, and jiu jitsu. Also a little bit of capoiera, Escrima, and some other random stuff. What ever class seems fun at the time.
3. I'm a designer. I spend my days making pretty stuff on the computer. By the time I get home I don't feel like making anything for myself, so forgive my underly-designed blog. Everyone once in a while though, i'll make an infographic or something to post.
4. I'm a little ADD, OCD when I get stressed out, and kiiiinda anal retentive. But hey... it makes me good at my job. 
5. I like cats. Meow. Also, giraffes, cows, and sheep. 
6. I love pink. But I liked it before it was popular. 
7. I sing a little. I actually did a tour of Europe with a mass choir, band, and orchestra the year I graduated from highschool. (Ok, really I'm just bragging. It was kind of auditioned by check. You had to be recommended to go, but if you could pay, you could go.) 
8. I could probably eat macaroni and cheese for every meal, forever. Except that I would get fat. And probably have intestinal issues.
9. I HATE being cold. HATE it! Even just a little bit cold. 
10. It is impossible for me to put my head underwater without getting water in my nose. There is actually a name for this. And I hate it because it means I suck at swimming. 

11. I don't like vegetables. I really wish I did, it would make life so much easier. But there's not much I can do when I put a veggie in my mouth and my tongue goes "eewww!". So, instead I make sure to take really good vitamins. 
1.) What do you love most about life?
I know it's cheesy, but my husband. Honest to goodness. I can be having the worst day in the world and he just has hold my hand and kiss my face and in that moment everything is right again.
2.) How do you get through tough times?
Well, being that there isn't really an option. I just kind of do. You do everything you can, if you can't do any more then just let it play out. Other than that, just keep busy and distracted. 

3.) What is your favorite and LEAST favorite thing about the military?
Favorite? Well, I suppose that it has made me super independent. Before jumping headfirst into all of this navy-blue nonsense, I wouldn't do anything alone and wouldn't drive anywhere I didn't already know how to get to. But now I'm totally fine showing up to what ever, when ever, whether or not I know anyone at all.  Lease favorite...Nothing is final until it's happening. For someone, like me, who thrives on planning and organizing and consistency.... oh boy! I'm learning to roll with it but man is it frustrating sometimes. There is also the long distance marriage thing. But that's not completely the Navy's fault. 

4.) What is it that you do for a living? Do you enjoy it?
I am a Graphic Designer. I enjoy it most of the time. Sometimes my projects aren't that glamorous, or are just plain boring or annoying. But when I get a good project and I'm really excited about what I created, those are the days when I love what I do.
5.) If we were to go out for a night on the town, where would we go and why?
Pretty much anywhere that I can wear a pretty dress and go dancing would make me happy. I suppose that's why I got into ballroom. If I were to plan a night out though. I would say a fancy dinner with hubby and then dancing all night. Then a massage in the morning. Just cause if we dance all night we're going to be sore the next day. :)

Wow, scratch that... after I wrote this I re read the question... you said WE... so then in that case I would take you out salsa dancing! If you don't already know, I'll teach you. You will have fun. I promise.

6.) Do you prefer coffee or tea?
I don't really like either. Except a chai tea latte. Nummers! 

7.) What are your future plans/goals?
Step one: Survive the Navy. Step two: House and babies. Step three: Have lots of fun with Hubby and babies. Step 4: "Retire" and open a dance studio. Teach dance and learn dance as long as possible.

8.) Why do you blog? 
I started this blog as a way to keep our families informed about all the things going on with the Navy. But then I discovered this wonderful community of Mil-spouse bloggers. Also, it's a good place to vent and get my thoughts out of my head. 

10.)What is your favorite color and why?
All time favorite color is pink. But I've always liked pink. And it looks good on me. My second favorite used to be bright orangy yellow, but now it's peacock blue. 

11.) Do you have anything exciting happening soon? If so, what?
Ummmm.... no, not really. Just waiting until I can save up for my laptop so I can work remote part time and see more of my hubby.

My Questions for my taggers

1. If you could have any talent, what would it be and why?
2. If you could do anything and you knew you couldn't be harmed in any way, what would you do?
3. What law would you make if could write any law.
4. What is your least favorite animal?
5. Tell us about your first car?
6. What is your favorite thing about your hubby?
7. What is one thing you would NEVER change about yourself?
8. What Disney princess do you relate with the most? (Anastasia is not actually a Disney movie, but I will accept her anyway.)
9. What would you invent if you could make anything for any purpose? 
10. What would you choose as a profession if money didn't matter?
11. What little thing makes you the most happy?

Tagged bloggers - I'm picking my most recent followers. (As far as I can tell)
Brittany @ My life as a Sailors Princess
Mrs. Jones @ Keeping up with the Jonesses
Mrs. S @ Everything Girly and Beyond
Jess @ The life of a Sailor's Wife
Annie @ Confessions of a Navy Wife
Whew! Well there you have it! If I tagged you and you do this post too, let me know! I want to read all about you!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Sorry, the husband is home. You, know...

Sorry! It's been a while since I've been on here. But, with good reason. Monkey is "home", so you all understand, right? I say "home" (with quotes) because, as you know (or may not know), Monkey lives in Bangor, and I live in Portland. Story for another day if you don't already know it. 


We've basically had a couple mostly full weekends together since he's been back. But in between that, it's been a mad hunt for a home for him. As I've written in previous posts, his base has ended Geo-bach because they are tearing down one of the barracks buildings and there isn't room for everyone. So, now we get to pay for two apartments. Oh... yea. 
So, I've been a diligent little wifey and spent all my spare time on Craig's List looking up apartments and rooms for rent. I can't believe how expensive apartments are up there! A scary looking studio is at least $750-$800. Wha??! Too far above the budget for how shady the places looked. I found a few promising leads. Most were filtered out by people not wanting to rent one room to a couple. (I will be spending enough time up there that for all intensive purposes I'll "live" there too) A couple places were rented out before we could make a decision. But, we ended up finding a good room with a private bathroom, and walk-in closet, in a really nice house owned by a retired middle aged couple and a couple other younger tenants. So, less privacy than an apartment, but it's a great house, and good price, and beggars can't be choosers. We actually ended up with some pretty cool digs. Oh, did I mention it's furnished! Yeah, saves him the hassle and cost of having him having to buy a bed. He's actually going to be staying in their guest bedroom for now. They very graciously offered it to him until his room is available in March so that he doesn't have to sleep on the couch at a friend's until them. We'll move him all the way into his final room when he gets leave in a couple weeks.

In other news. 

We've started taking west coast swing lessons together. Now, while we've both been dancing for about 5+ years and he was my ballroom teacher for a while, we still have yet to actually be dance partners. I mean, of course we have danced together. As in, we go out and social dance whenever we can. But, we have never performed a choreographed piece, or taken lessons together. I think this will be a fun challenge for us. Especially, considering that the only time we argue is when we are dancing. But, starting a new dance mostly from scratch I think will put us on a level playing field where we can't really try and critique each other. Plus, we've made a rule. I'm not allowed to be bossy, and he's not allowed to teach me. We both often very much think we are right, and regardless of whether or not we are, the other doesn't want to be corrected. So, from now on that right is reserved for the instructor. Our first lesson actually went very well. No arguing. And actually, i was giddy with the fact that I finally have a competent dance partner (aside from instructors, of course). It's so fun to watch him learn. The instructor shows him something, and he can just do it, and it's looks good. It's amazing, and refreshing, and just makes me love him even more. Happy dancer, happy ducky. Plus this new style of dance really compliments the way he moves naturally. And, for me, the shoes may be ugly but they're so much easier to dance in. I can't wait for choreography!

Here's a video for your reference. This couple is kind of Monkey's West Coast idols. I love this particular piece because the first half isn't the "traditional" west coast music, but it really proves that you can dance it to almost anything. Then the second half is how you would normally see it danced. Plus, yeah.. this couple is pretty awesome.

 Ummm... I think that's all for now.

Oh, unless anyone can tell me if there is anywhere to do ballroom/salsa/west coast swing near Port Orchard? I know Banbridge island has some, and poulsbo kind of does. But those are a bit too far to go on a regular basis. (Well, Poulbo is ok if we're not crunched for time) Tacoma is the next closest I've seen, but that's quite a drive to go out every weekend like we'd want to. And the drive/ferry to Seattle is too much of a hassle on a regular basis too.  Anyone know of any places? Google is not finding me much.