Friday, March 19, 2010

Texas vs. Oregon - a no brainer

{Texas rant removed by administrator... sorry}

Anyways my advancement exam was quite difficult. Apparently its less important to know how a system functions than it is to know exactly what modes a single switch on one piece of equipment can operate in. Nobody in my class felt to great about it, had we been out to sea once, we would have been much more prepared because so many of the questions were related to things that we have not learned in our previous 1.5 years in school because they are more "boater-life' oriented.

Results will be out in the Navy Times in a couple months. We will see if i made it.

Anyways - packing for the move, hopefully getting a car - pretty excited about it!

1 comment:

  1. Man, I didnt get to see the rant before it was removed I am bumbed. Anyhoo, sweetie I am sure you will do fine and if you didnt and it is something you really want, just take it agian. Love you.
