Hey, I've been featured on Mrs. Mama Hen's Military Monday!
About Military Mondays --->
<div align="center"><a href="http://monkeysnavy.blogspot.com/" title="A Monkey in the Navy"><img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjSTz_DE0GALlYhmfa3iA8ONWF7e0HI43S68TlHFQPrv3q4BE_-HWuJlQw_IWavjax6pJfszRiRvidGgDV-OtYpS8yN4OHqbZGpvLTmhjdxTi9grUbvAWfAl8gyyq9rwOs-mKLDKMZzaqV1/s144/Button_MonkeyBlog.png" alt="A Monkey in the Navy" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
I love you blog! I love even more that he posts sometimes too.. we all want to know as wives of military men what others are feeling and to know we all feel the same.. but its nice to know sometimes what the men are feeling!! I ran across your blog on Ms. MamaHens feature and I am a new follower!! Cant wait to read more posts soon!!! :D Have a great day!